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Here's a selection of frequently asked questions answered.
Since I am installing the Home Stretch Membrane sheet waterproofing system on my foundation wall, can the Home Stretch Membrane sheet waterproofing system be continued vertically up the wall as an above-grade membrane to the roofline?
Home Stretch Membrane is designed and recommended for typical below-grade waterproofing over a variety of approved substrates, but the sheet membrane waterproofing system can be continued on above-grade walls on a very limited basis.
The approval criteria for continuing the Home Stretch Membrane sheet waterproofing system from below grade to top of above-grade wall(s) include the following:
- The approved above-grade wall substrate shall be only Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF), not concrete or traditional framing with sheathing.
- The 30-day UV exposure limit on Home Stretch Membrane must be strictly followed. For an extended UV exposure limit up to 24 months, the UV2-40 (Formerly Aluma Flash Plus) sheet air barrier system is available for your review and consideration.
What is the maximum allowable moisture content in a concrete foundation wall / footer?
The Polyguard below-grade waterproofing systems require a vertical concrete substrate (i.e. foundation wall) to have a maximum moisture content of 10%, and a horizontal concrete substrate (i.e. footer) to have a maximum moisture content of 5%.
This requirement is to ensure proper adhesion/bond, while also preventing the Polyguard Stretch Flex (fluid-applied) membrane from developing surface blisters due to sunlight heating the substrate wall and/or footer and cause latent moisture to move within the concrete.
What is the recommended number and spacing of the Tee / End Outlets?
Can you paint over the Blue Barrier Liquid Wrap air barrier system?
We are very interested in using "Blue Barrier" liquid applied flashing on multiple concrete homes, can you confirm that a three step masonry stucco system will adhere to your product?
We have two application options approved for stucco veneers:
- Use conventional wire lath (reinforcing mesh) with the stucco veneer. Mechanically fasten the lath through the cured Polyguard Blue Barrier fluid-applied air barrier membrane, whether the 2300 Liquid Wrap or the 2400 Flash “N Wrap, and the substrate sheathing beneath. This will allow the reinforcing mesh to be self-supported. Maintain the air- and water-tight seal, thereby the air barrier performance, by applying and tooling a minimum 30 mils of Blue Barrier Gap Filler over each mesh fastener head penetrating through the cured Blue Barrier fluid-applied air barrier membrane. With the lath installed and self-supported, the stucco basecoat (and finish coat) must be completed within (12) months of the Blue Barrier fluid-applied air barrier membrane application.
- Broadcast silica sand into the wet Blue Barrier fluid-applied air barrier membrane, whether the 2300 Liquid Wrap or the 2400 Flash ‘N Wrap membrane, to the point of refusal to accept anymore silica sand. Once the Blue Barrier fluid-applied membrane is cured, apply Lambert Corporation’s 932 Link, a water-based bonding agent, onto the Blue Barrier membrane. Also, add the 932 Link into the stucco basecoat using a 1:3 mixing ratio. Allow the stucco basecoat to cure a minimum two (2) days before applying the stucco finish coat.
I have an underground structure of ICF walls setting on concrete foundation with a concrete roof. How do you recommend I waterproof it with your products? Would I need to prime all surfaces? Would peel and stick work on horizontal surfaces?
How do you recommend I waterproof it with your products?
ICF wall construction will need to be waterproofed using the Poly Wall ‘Home Stretch Membrane for ICF’ sheet waterproofing system. Do not use the ‘Home Stretch Liquid’ waterproofing system because it will attack / eat the ICF wall substrate!
Would I need to prime all surfaces?
Yes, the Poly Wall ‘Home Stretch WB Liquid Adhesive’ is the primer accessory product safe for the ‘Home Stretch Membrane for ICF’ sheet waterproofing system. Prime all surfaces and membrane laps to ensure a proper adhesive bond to the ICF substrate surface. Do not use the ‘Polybond Clear Liquid Adhesive’ primer accessory product, which is reserved only for concrete substrate wall surfaces. A level of caution here, as the Polybond Clear Liquid Adhesive primer will attack/eat the ICF wall substrate!!
Would peel and stick work on horizontal surfaces?
No, do not apply Poly Wall sheet or fluid-applied waterproofing systems onto horizontal (floor) surfaces. They are designed for vertical (wall) applications only, and are not recommended for horizontal (floor) surfaces.
I’m using your WindowSeal® on a few Multi-family projects, they're kicking us back on submittals using a NP1 caulking. Apparently it’s too corrosive for this product. Do you have any recommendations on sealant and caulking that will be safe on
How fast can your Blue Barrier Liquid Wrap be spray applied?
Will the Rot Shield Joist Tape product adhere to older frame lumbar? I'm re-doing my deck, and re-using the joints already in place?
Can a coating material (i.e. paint) be used as a finish material over the Polyguard Stretch Flex system extended 12”-18” above grade? If so, what type of coating material does Polyguard recommend?
Can the Polyguard caulk and sprayed on product act as a water proof liner?
Can I use Polyflow 10 drainboard without using the Totalflow drainboard?
Would I need a two-coat application of Poly Wall Blue Barrier Liquid Wrap air barrier membrane?
Can Polyguard Residential Polyflow 10 Drainboard be cut to smaller sizes to address sloping grade lines on a foundation wall? If so, what is the preferred method to re-shape the drainboard material to size?
What are the differences between all the Blue Barrier Products?
All Blue Barrier Products utilize our Silyl Terminated Polyether Technology (STPE). These are hybrid sealants that combine the benefits of silicone and polyurethane technologies. By combining these chemistries, we achieve the best features of both, resulting in highly effective sealants. These sealants are low in VOCs, moisture-cured, and have a UV exposure rating of up to 9 months. The main differences in the product lines are their viscosity and intended applications:
- Blue Barrier Gap Filler (BB GF): This product has the highest viscosity and is the thickest. BB GF contains fillers that make it a durable and tough adhesive, suitable for filling substrate voids, bonding dissimilar material joints, and serving as a membrane lap and termination sealant.
- Blue Barrier Liquid Flash (BB LF): This product has medium viscosity and thickness, making BB LF trowelable in a gun and spread application. BB LF is commonly used for sealing window and door openings.
- Blue Barrier Liquid Wrap (BB LW): This product has the lowest viscosity and is the thinnest. BB LW can be applied with an airless sprayer or power roller, making it ideal for large-scale field applications and a superior alternative to traditional house wraps.
Is drain mat required when waterproofing a foundation?
What's the difference between the blue liquid flash and the blue gap filler. Is the gap filler just thicker?