650 WB Liquid Adhesive

This product is formulated to perform in Residential and Commercial Construction. 

650 WB Liquid Adhesive is a water-based, rubber-based, low-tack adhesive which is specifically formulated to provide excellent adhesion. It has a VOC content of 5 g/L. 650 WB Liquid Adhesive will be pink color in appearance. It is designed to be used in ambient temperatures and surface temperatures of 40°F (5°C) and rising. It is an integral part of Polyguard Systems which is used on dry surfaces to condition them to be dust free, so the substrate is suitable for the application of Polyguard Waterproofing Membranes.

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Features & Benefits

Water-Based, liquid adhesive.
Used to prime all structural concrete, masonry, or wood surfaces on which Polyguard Membranes will be applied.
Designed to be used in ambient temperatures and surface temperatures of 40°F (5°C) and rising.
Do not freeze during transit, storage or use.
Used on all concrete block and brick wall conditions.
Used on both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Product Resources

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650 WB Liquid Adhesive Product Information Sheet
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650 WB Liquid Adhesive - HPD
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650 WB Liquid Adhesive - SDS