650 TRM
650 TRM is a 36" x 66.7' long roll (200 sf) waterproofing + termite barrier for vertical below-grade walls is your solution to post-applied waterproofing. This 68-mil thick, 200 sf roll will yield approximately 180 sf of waterproofing after overlaps and endlaps. Choose one of the required liquid adhesive primers: 650 LT Liquid Adhesive or California Sealant for Concrete or CMU walls, 650 WB Liquid Adhesive for ICF, and foamed plastic substrates. Meets ICC AC 380 Acceptance Criteria, the only waterproofing membrane that does. Since 2002, hundreds of foundations across the United States have been protected with 650 TRM to exclude both water and termites. 650 TRM is a “peel and stick” barrier membrane used on concrete. Polyguard waterproofing membranes (without termite exclusion) have been used worldwide on both commercial and residential construction since 1970. Research and testing of termite and pest exclusion, in cooperation with scientists at Texas A&M’s Urban and Structural Entomology Laboratory, began in 1999. Today, 650 TRM is a key part of a building envelope system with waterproofing and termite exclusion. |