ElastiFlash 70 MIL

ElastiFlash 70 MIL Window Flashing is a 70 mil, self-adhering, self-sealing, waterproofing rubberized asphalt tape, laminated to a crimped and stretchable, high-strength polyethylene film backing designed specifically for arched window flashing applications. Can also be used to create a sill pan for a window rough opening.

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Features & Benefits

ElastiFlash is used to flash round-top or custom shaped designs.
Flexible material can stretch to conform to curved, round or fan-shaped areas
Our rubberized-asphalt allows you to create a custom waterproof flashing design on virtually any fenestration design
Easy peel and stick tape supplied in rolls with an easy to remove release liner for mess free application
Self-adhering, self-sealing, ElastiFlash tape seals around nails, staples and fasteners ensuring years of trouble-free and maintenance-free performance
Superior elasticity resists cracking or tearing over time when structural movement occurs
Available in 9" and 12" widths
Rolls are 75 linear feet

Product Resources

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ElastiFlash 70 Mil - SDS
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ElastiFlash 70 Mil - Product Information Sheet

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