Features & Benefits
Strong, pliable, self-adhesive sheet
4-mil high density polyethylene film bonded to 64 mils of barrier sealant = 68 mils thick
Formulated for low temperature application down to 30°F (-1°C)
No waiting is required before backfilling. Backfill material should be dry sand or dry soil dirt
The only physical termite barrier with 19 years of testing and an evaluation report by the ICC (Internation Code Council) AC 380 ESR 3632
30 day UV exposure
Product Resources
TERM Waterproofing | Termite Barrier (for Concrete Foundations) - Data Sheet
TERM Waterproofing | Termite Barrier (for ICF) - Data Sheet
TERM Waterproofing Barrier Membrane - Installation VERTICAL
Termite Barrier Membranes - SDS
TERM Waterproofing I Termite Barrier - Detail - TV01