
Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
September 10, 2024

The Bridge Building Codes and Standards That You Need to Rem...

Understanding the intricacies of bridge building codes and standards is essential for construction professionals.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
January 9, 2024

How Does a Self-Healing Home Cell Membrane Work?

Microscopic levels of damage can occur in residential water-resistant air barrier membranes during application, and over time, due to wear and tear and environmental elements. Tiny cracks can lead to significant thermal bridging and eventual material failure. In addition, homeowners rarely detect these cracks in time to intervene and repair them before more severe damage occurs.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
November 8, 2023

Understanding Approved Air Barrier Materials

Approved air barrier materials include features that ensure minimum code compliance based on the environment, wall design, and building use and type. Builders can use various air barrier materials or continuous film or coating as long as it includes the following...

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
November 1, 2023

Building Envelopes Unveiled: Examining Noteworthy Air Barrie...

Continuous air barrier systems control air, moisture, and heat transfer within the building envelope in order to protect a structure's long-term integrity to help create a healthy indoor environment.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
October 23, 2023

Seal the Deal: Best Flashing Tape for Windows

The best window flashing tape offers strength and durability to last the window's lifetime. Here's what you need to know about finding the best flashing tape for windows.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
September 20, 2023

How to Cover Concrete Block Walls: 6 Ideas

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
September 12, 2023

When to Use a Vapor Barrier with Insulation

Insulation and vapor barriers provide vital components of an energy-efficient, durable, and healthy building or home.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
August 24, 2023

Waterproofing Membrane: What Is It and When to Use It?

A waterproofing membrane protects a building against above-grade bulk water infiltration from rain, runoff, snow, etc., and below-grade infiltration due to hydrostatic pressures.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
August 24, 2023

What Is the Best Vapor Barrier for Crawl Spaces?

Vapor diffusion occurs when moisture moves from a higher to a lower moisture concentration space or from a warmer to a colder place within a building product, like insulation. In contrast, vapor retarders only hinder vapor diffusion.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
August 24, 2023

What Is the Best Closed-Cell Foam Insulation?

Closed-cell foam insulation is a superior and effective insulator for attics, crawl spaces, rim joists, pole barns, existing homes and buildings, vans, new construction, and more.

Carrie Powers
Carrie Powers
August 24, 2023

Unveiling the Hidden Dampness: Understanding ICF Moisture Pr...

Insulated concrete forms (ICF) create airtight wall systems that minimize moisture intrusion through thermal convection.