
Termite Barrier Systems: Effective Protection Methods
Termite Barrier Systems: Effective Protection Methods

Termite infestations can cause significant damage to homes and properties, which is why termite barrier systems should be the first line of defense.

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How to Protect ICF Homes Against Termites

Protecting below-grade insulated concrete form (ICF) walls (crawl space, slab, or basement) from termites requires an application of superior ICF waterproofing, like 650 TRM. Termites can’t compromise the strength of a below-grade ICF wall, but they can burrow through, undetected by coverings of siding, wood, paint, stucco, etc. Eventually, the termites will make it […]

Building Out Bugs: Future Cracks in the Slab

Hello and welcome to another week of the TERM® Barrier System blog series! This week we will be continuing our summer blog series, Building Out Bugs, by highlighting a way you can block pests from entering the home through the slab. As part of the TERM Barrier System, Polyguard has developed TERM Flooring Underlayment membranes […]

What is Integrated Pest Management?

Author, Cassie Krejci, Ph.D. Welcome to week 3 of the TERM® Barrier System blog series! In other posts on our website and social media accounts, you have seen the words integrated pest management, or IPM, many times. I’m taking the opportunity this week to explain why this concept is extremely important to pest management. Integrated […]