TRM Sill

TRM Sill is a “peel and stick” supplemental non-chemical termite barrier. It is installed directly on the concrete underneath the sill plate. It blocks entry of subterranean termites at this common entry point. It also acts as a barrier to moisture and energy leaks. 

TRM Sill can block entry at the exposed underside of the sill plate. TRM Sill comes in 66.7′ rolls, with roll widths of 6", 7", 9" and 12".

The use of a primer, such as Polyguard's 650 WB Liquid Adhesive, is recommended for superior adhesion of TRM Sill. 

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Prairie Sun & Timber: Foundations From The Ground Up - Episode 1

Features & Benefits

Each roll of TRM Sill protects 66.7' of sill plate
4-mil high density polyethylene film bonded to 64 mils of sealant = 68 mils thick
Roll widths are 6”, 7”, 9" & 12"
Formulated from polymer asphalt which has been upgraded to incorporate a nonchemical termite and insect barrier
The sealant is laminated to a high strength and puncture resistant polyethylene backing
The only physical termite barrier with over 2 decades of testing and an evaluation report by the ICC (Internation Code Council) AC 380 ESR 3632
30 day UV exposure

Product Resources

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TRM Sill - Data Sheet
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TRM Sill - Product Overview Sheet
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TRM Flashing/TRM UV2-40/TRM Sill - Guide Spec
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TRM Sill - HPD
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TRM Sill - SDS

Product Details

TRM Flashing/TRM UV2-40/TRM Sill - Detail Set - (FT1a-7b)
TRM Flashing/Sill Flashing - Detail - Exterior Perimeter (FT1a)
TRM Flashing/Sill Flashing - Detail - Exterior Perimeter at Balcony or Patio (FT1b)
TRM Flashing/Sill Flashing - Detail - Water Termite Barrier Membrane Interior Framing (FT2)
TRM Flashing - Detail - Installation Sequence (FT3)
TRM Flashing over TRM Sill Flashing - Detail - In Cavity Wall (FT4a)
TRM Flashing - Detail - In Cavity Wall (FT4b)
TRM Flashing - Detail - Window Flashing (FT5)
TRM Sill Flashing - Detail - Precast Wall w Steel Frame (FT6)
TRM Sill Flashing - Detail - Stem Wall Transition to ICF Wall (FT7a)
TRM Sill Flashing - Detail - Stem Wall Transition to ICF Wall (FT7b)