Approved air barrier materials include features that ensure minimum code compliance based on the environment, wall design, and building use and type. Builders can use various air barrier materials or continuous film or coating as long as it includes the following...
Continuous air barrier systems control air, moisture, and heat transfer within the building envelope in order to protect a structure's long-term integrity to help create a healthy indoor environment.
The best window flashing tape offers strength and durability to last the window's lifetime. Here's what you need to know about finding the best flashing tape for windows.
Insulation and vapor barriers provide vital components of an energy-efficient, durable, and healthy building or home.
Waterproofing your concrete floor with crack-resistant Polyguard® Underseal® Underslab Membrane and Polyguard® TERM® Floor Underlayment Barrier will protect the flooring from the structurally damaging, expensive,
Proper waterproofing of basement floors and walls will protect your home or building’s strength and durability.
Vapor barriers and encapsulation can both control moisture accumulation and structurally damaging and unhealthy mold growth in a crawl space.
A waterproofing membrane protects a building against above-grade bulk water infiltration from rain, runoff, snow, etc., and below-grade infiltration due to hydrostatic pressures.